Main office: 130 York St.

Auburn, New York 13021

( 315 ) 253 - 2886

EMAIL: sales@cylinderdisposal.com



Our pricing is among the lowest you will ever find for the safe, envrionmentally sound, and legal disposal of propane tanks from 1lb. to 100lb.


******** One big question is what is the total cost with shipping. An example is 6000 one lb tanks from North Carolina to our plant made the total cost of processing and shipping $ 1.06 per tank. Shipping and processing almost 400 20lb tanks from New Hampshire came to a total of $ 3.68 per tank. What does your current processor charge you now! ******

Once we complete your order you will receive a report signed by the technician that actually does the work. At that time any liability for these tanks ends as they are completly empty and on their way to being melted down and made into new products, not just collected and dumped into some woods or landfill.

  1. One pound disposable cylinders _______________________ $ 0.75

  2. 1.5 LB -- 20 LB. refillable cylinders ______________________ $ 2.00

  3. 21 LB. -- 33 LB. refillable cylinders __________________ $ 3.00

  4. 34 LB -- 100 LB> refillable cylinders _________________ $ 5.00

The above does not include freight to our collection center and will be provided when you call our sales office and is based on the weight of your shipment and the packaging.

Remember that with our process and machinery our automation has enabled us to be able to keep the cost so low that even with the shipping to our plant you may be suprised to find that we are more inexpensive and safer than the guy down the block than you may presently be using. Ask him what the cost is and what he ends up doing with the cylinders after you pay him, you may be suprised to find out what liability you may still be exposed to especially if they are landfilled or crushed with the propnae still in them ! We have even heard of one very large propane company who pays an employee his hourly wage to take them home with him and shoot them with a .22 caliber rifle............ Does that sound like what you would like done !

Give our sales office a call at: (315) 253 - 2886 for a quote. There is no obligation and will only take a few minites to find the lowest prices in north america .

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